My Updates

Ren's Day at Dreamworld
Monday 11th Dec

Let’s help beautiful memories be made 💖
Friday 8th Dec I have a beautiful friend Ren. She is a loving wife, amazing mum, a daughter, a sister, a niece, an aunty and a friend, and of course so much more than that. Recently she received the heartbreaking news that her Stage 4 cancer had spread, and there was no more that could be done.Thank you to my Sponsors

Mining Electrical Solutions

Harmony Talbot

Issaac O'brien Von Stein

Jeanette And Garry Von Stein

Kellie And Blair

Your American Sister, Lisa
Grateful for this organization and the love it puts out into the world. So thrilled to see Renee and family having such a day of bliss…what a gift. ❤️

Marie Candy

Rachel Moffatt


Claire Jenkins
Fuck fucking cancer, that fucking shitshow of steaming turdery. Here's a giant middle finger from me to cancer, and a massive thumbs up for memory making.


Tina Rostron
I’m so thankful that Ambulance Wish Queensland were able to give Ren such an amazing day with her family. I hope AWQ feels the love coming back to them through this fundraiser. Fuck cancer indeed. Xx

Yvette Kelly
What a blessing this organisation is.

Stacey Handcock

Naomi Hoole


Vicki Mackay

Wishing you and your family all the very best in this difficult and tough time - from Mikaela (a colleague of Nicki)